Friday, December 15, 2006

Prostitutes are in the news ...

Anyone who knows me or who has spent any time checking out this blog, will know the strength of my feelings on the issue of prostitution rackets and the global sex trade. (This was also the subject of my 2nd novel, Trading Tatiana.)

Many thanks to crimeficreader for passing on this link to Danuta Kean's blog. Danuta does more than just give a broader context for the Suffolk murders - she backs up her theories with hard facts. She also talks about the image of the 'happy hooker' in literature.

Discomforting but vital reading for anyone who cares about the 'who' and 'why' aspects of women who sell their bodies and how they are seen and portrayed.

And don't forget to put the pressure on the government to sign up to the Convention on Action Against Trafficking in Human Beings!

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